If you have a problem with your parathyroid gland you've probably noticed that everyone from general practitioners to parathyroid surgeons is very concerned about your calcium levels. While patients often know the parathyroid glands and calcium are linked, exactly how and what the concern is can be difficult to understand. Here are five things you must know or ask your parathyroid surgeons about. Your parathyroid gland controls calcium levels in your blood.
There are many areas of your health that you pay attention to. Some come as second nature, such as exercising and watching what you eat. Others may require a little more focus, and for many, sexual health is one such area. STIs are on the rise in Australia. While some are easy to treat, others act as a lifelong barrier to a healthy sex life. If you want to enjoy good sexual health, there are some easy tips doctors would love for you to follow.
Hearing aids are necessary bits of equipment for many people, and they can really transform your life if you're hard of hearing. Like any electronic device, however, they can occasionally malfunction, which may be quite debilitating for something you rely on so heavily. One of the most common problems with hearing aids is when they start to make a high-pitched whistling or whining sound. When this happens, it's caused by feedback in the same way that a microphone does when it's too close to a speaker — which you might have heard if you've ever watched a band's soundcheck.
When testicular health is discussed, much of the focus is on cancer, and rightly so — by encouraging men to check their testes regularly and to understand what signs to look out for, the seriousness of testicular cancer can be drastically reduced, since it's something that's frequently treated successfully when it's caught early. Of course, there are lots of other potential testicular problems, which vary in their severity. One condition that you should be aware of is testicular torsion.
It is never too late in life to start exercising. However, as someone who is already suffering from hip pain, there are definite dos and don'ts when it comes to getting on different types of exercise equipment at your local gym. Physiotherapists have plenty to say about how beneficial exercising can be for stiff joints, but they also have plenty to say about how some exercise machines can make matters worse.
Hello. My name is Diana and I am 65 years old. As the years have gone by, I have realised that I need to take better care of my body. As a young woman, I used to spend a lot of time hanging around bars, drinking too much and smoking too many cigarettes. When I finally married, I would sit around in the house all day and eat plates of food. I put on a lot of weight and started to experience a range of health problems. Thankfully, I eventually visited my local health care clinic and received the help I needed to become a healthy human being. I was so pleased with the treatment and I learnt so much that I decided to start a blog.